Destiny (PlayStation 4)

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

            Series : Destiny
         Developer : Bungie
            Genres : First person shooter
                     Loot Shooter

          Trophies :

not completed.

Log entries

  • Installing... That is some classic sci fi music and some wonderful concept art.
  • Played some missions on Earth and The Moon with Jeppe and Tobias, and Nabaz watching for a while. It is pretty fun, like an even mix of Borderlands and Halo.
  • My Hunter robot dude is now level 6, and I played through the mission 'The Sword of Crota' alone. It found it easier to play alone, but the mission itself was a bit annoying, as it ended with me running around a tiny poorly textured arena, hitting a lot of dudes with two sword attacks.
  • 2014-09-15
  • Peter played at my place with Jeppe and Arnt, and I also joined for part of a mission. Pretty fun, if a bit repetitive.
  • 2014-09-18
  • There's a lot about the graphics that is disappointing; big carrier ships moving stiffly on linear paths, boring shiny shaders on everything, every texture looks horrible up close, weirdly synchronized vertex animations on the shell things that grow all over. The weapons and armour are the exceptions, they all look amazing.
  • I completed 10/20 story missions and is level 9.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.1 2024-05-14