Star Fire (Arcade)

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

         Developer : Exidy
             Genre : Space simulator
          Graphics : Bitmap-based 3D

not completed.

Star Fire is an unlicensed Star Wars space sim, complete with radar, enemy lock-on, scaling TIE fighters, and the first game where you could input initials for a hiscore table!

You control your X-Wing using a joystick and throttle, enabling you to go back and forth in space. The lock-on is frustrating, as you have no control when locked on, until your very slow laser bolts have hit their target.

This is a early example of a pay-to-play game - you insert credits to extend how long you play, and consequently how many points you can get. The hiscore list shows the amounts of credits you used, so at least it's fair in that way.

When you're hit, a message says 'GOT YOU', and a bonus enemy has the name of the publisher 'Exidy' on it, and when you shoot it, it says 'GOT US'. The game is acting as the antagonist for the player, a fun and surprisingly uncommon feature.



Scores - MAME:
 224 .............  on 2016-03-07

Log entries

  • Got the score 224 in MAME.
  • Cool HUD in this game: both radar and dynamic HUD.
  • 2019-04-27
  • I played this again on Søren's MAME cabinet. It's a bit confusing and not so fun to play.
  • 2019-11-17
  • Another 40 year old game, this unofficial Star Wars game is technically impressive, but is unsatisfying to play. The forced lock-on makes you lose all control of your ship until you hit the TIE fighter with your lasers, and the laser bolts move incredibly slowly, so much so that you can probably get more points by firing the lasers in advance, before you have locked on. Also, this is a old school example of a pay-to-play game - you insert credits to extend how long you play, and consequently how many points you can get. The hiscore list shows the amounts of credits you used, so at least it's fair in that way.
  • I needed to fiddle with the MAME control setup, but using the left stick for rotation and the right stick for throttle made me realize that you're moving around in a fully 3D world, although all the enemies are rendered as character-based billboards. This is a space sim ... of sorts.
  • Another interesting feature: When you're hit, a message says 'GOT YOU', and a bonus enemy has the name of the developer 'Exidy' on it, and when you shoot it, it says 'GOT US'. The game is being the antagonist for you, the player, a perspective that hasn't been used that much.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.1 2024-05-14