Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Windows)

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A very memorable game with an intense horror atmosphere, that few games achieve. The puzzles do get a little tedious, the moments of traversal with something evil moving in your steps are the ones that really stuck with me.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Log entries

  • Jeppe Carlsen recommended I buy this sanity-reducing Lovecraftian tale of horror, and after playing a demo full of tension and dark atmospherics, I bought it
  • 2010-10-10
  • Played my first terrifying session of this hyper-atmospheric Lovecraftian tale. I enjoy the creative use of semi-free camera movement, where certain horrific events crumble you to the ground, while you still have control over movement. It conveys a great feeling of being overwhelmed by horror.
  • 2010-10-11
  • Apparently, I am 6/31ths through the game.
  • 2011-11-20
  • Restarted from the beginning, playing with Nevin. I really adore a game that *expects* me to rummage through every nook and cranny in a small confined space. I often do this anyway in games, and Amnesia actually rewards me for doing so. Oh, Amnesia, you truly understand me. :)
  • We seem to be just shy of halfway through the game.
  • 2011-12-02
  • We finished the Back Hall area and went though the Prison, which was almost too much for my nerves. Now, we are in the Cistern area, solving puzzles. So many puzzles.
  • 2011-12-16
  • Completed the game. First, we died in the prison, because we still hadn't figured out that in order to move something heavy, you have to grab it and then walk, not just grab and move the mouse. So stupid. But we were not exactly happy with that ending, so we restarted and figured it out. We ended up getting the 'Revenge' ending, which seemed appropriate for my feelings for Alexander. However, Daniel just walking away from everything didn't seem quite right after what he did. Anyway, the ending was kind of disappointing, which was bound to happen after such an awesome build up.

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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.3 2024-05-31