Mortal Shell (PlayStation 4)

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         Developer : Cold Symmetry
      Release Info : Upgraded on PS5
        Other Tags : Souls-like

          Trophies :

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Log entries

  • At 239 DKK, I couldn't resist buying this Souls-like game.
  • 2020-08-20
  • After a short tutorial, your disgusting form is dumped into a very open world, with plenty of weaker enemies to fight. As usual, I went in the wrong direction, and ended up running past a bunch of enemies into a cave, ending up in meeting Sester Genessa there for the first time.
  • In another potentially sequence-breaking detour, I ended up finding the Eredrim shell at the big tower. He's a big heavy tank, now I just need a greatsword, and I'll be ready to go.
  • 2020-08-21
  • I'm enjoying playing with Eredrim. I have to play very tactically, but he can both give and take a lot of punishment. I defeated the big werewolf-looking Grisha.
  • I defeated Hadern twice and got the 'Smoldering Mace' and the 'Martyr's Blade'.
  • 2020-08-22
  • I played through the first of three dungeons, the Crypt of Martyrs. It was an intense and challenging area, very reminiscent certain areas in Dark Souls. I defeated Tarsus, and the world has been plunged into a green mist, replacing the normal enemies with weird ghouls. It's a cool way of reusing the same assets in a different context, to great effect.
  • 2020-08-26
  • I think this game has a few neat innovations on the Dark Souls formula. First of all, the 'Harden' ability works great, and adds an interesting layer to the combat, asynchronous with the usual dodge, attack-routine. Another innovation is death: When you die in a shell, it freezes in place, and you get a second chance to pick it up. When you die a second time, you start from a 'bonfire' again, but the shell will be left in place. When you pick it up, you retrieve your resources like in other games, but you also get a full health refill. This means that you have to manage an added risk-reward mechanic of waiting to pick up your shell (and retrieve your resources), and get full health, while risking death and losing your resources forever.
  • 2020-08-30
  • I travelled to the Shrine of Ash and fought my way to Imrod the Unrepentant, who I defeated on my first try. I think the shrines all have a fixed difficulty. On my way back to Fallgrim Tower in the Mist carrying 10,000 tar (souls), I got jacked by Nocteserpers. I was lost in The Mist, and now I can't find my tar.
  • After comparing the recording from yesterday to another recording where The Mist is not active, I figured out that I died in Archer's Canyon on my way to the Seat of Infinity, where I'm going anyway.
  • The game does *not* pause when you're in the inventory.
  • 2020-08-31
  • I went to the Seat of Infinity, found my shell, and started working my way through this enormous and confusing area, full of difficult enemies. At the end, I fought the tough boss Crucix, The Twiceborn, a conjoined set of twins. Like several Dark Souls bosses, killing one of the twins causes the other to go nuts, here in a very ridiculous looking cutscene. Getting back out into the world after beating him was tricky, especially a spot that was guarded by 8(!) crossbow guards.
  • Completed the game. I defeated the big chicken (The Unchained) on my second attempt tonight. It was mostly a cool boss fight, and with a reasonable difficulty. I liked this game.

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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.3 2024-05-31