Ring of Pain (Xbox One)

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

            Themes : Horror
      Release Info : Xbox Game Pass

      Achievements : trueachievements.com

not completed.

Ring of Pain is a roguelite, where the basic gameplay consists of traversing rings, which are circular graphs where every node has an enemy, treasure, or exit. The 'dungeons' are presented as cards, but you don't build a deck or play cards of your own. Cards are just the way enemies/locations/items are represented. Every turn, you are presented with two cards to choose from. If there is an enemy card, you can attack it or attempt to sneak past it. If you attack it, you deal and receive damage according to simple stats, and the result of an attack is always visible before you take the action. If you sneak, you roll against your sneak stat, and if successful, you traverse the ring and have a new option past the enemy. If you fail, you will be attacked. Each ring has one of more exits, and you go deeper into a dungeon(?) for every exit, similar to classic Roguelikes. Although the gameplay is highly abstracted the game has a horror motif, with simple, but effective drawings, and spooky music.

Image source: microsoft.com


 5869 ............  on 2022-10-15

Log entries

  • I didn't know what this was, and it was leaving Game Pass, so I gave it a try.
  • I played for about an hour and reached depth 9. This game has a neat original idea, and as soon as I started understanding the mechanics, I enjoyed it. The art style and music is unsettling, and works well to create an atmosphere around the somewhat dry gameplay.
  • Got the score 5869. I attempted the daily challenge, with *very* modified rules. I think I did pretty well, I was rank 71 in the world.

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  @3412, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3412, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3412, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


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Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.3.1 2024-05-14