AirMech Arena (Xbox 360)

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AirMech Arena

Log entries

  • Pay-to-play Herzog Zwei.
  • Completed a Skirmish battle. I don't think I had to do anything, the game basically played itself.
  • The title screen music is pretty hard - I like it. Turns out it's by Canadian EBM group Front Line Assembly. Now that's a nice surprise. Maybe I should play some more of this game, if only for the music.
  • This is pretty fun. For once, I'm disappointed that there is no music in the game itself. I guess I'll play the Front Line Assembly AirMech album from Spotify while playing the game...
  • 2014-08-03
  • Completed the tutorial.
  • Got the Challenger: 25 Stars achievement. - Got 25/45 stars in the Challenges.
  • Reached survival wave 9.
  • This is a cool game, so I got AirMech Arena Prime for 155 DKK, which should include most of the stuff I'll want in the game.
  • 1 vs. 3 Skirmish. No problem.
  • Got the Kicking Tires achievement. - Used all the different AirMechs.
  • Man, this is fun. I only wish I could turn the difficulty up. I've played 14 Skirmishes and still lost none of them.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.3 2024-05-31