Jazz Smash (Android)

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

      Release Info : DGA 2018
        Other Tags : DK Developed

not completed.
- This game was nominated for a Spilprisen 2018 award. I was a jury member for the awards.
Image source: aweapps.com


Scores - Endless:
 119 .............  on 2018-02-11

Scores - Classic:
 36 ..............  on 2018-02-11

Scores - Jazz:
 21 ..............  on 2018-02-11

Scores - Rock:
 17 ..............  on 2018-02-11

Scores - Dance:
 17 ..............  on 2018-02-11

Log entries

  • I'm smashing random objects with a bat falling from the sky in time with jazzy tunes. I'm all for it.
  • Whoa, an ad just popped up instead of a game over screen. I could have clicked that by mistake.
  • I'm unlocking new random objects to smash.
  • I tried a rock level, and now to try the endless mode.
  • Got the score 119 in Endless.
  • Got the score 17 in Dance.
  • Got the score 17 in Rock.
  • Got the score 36 in Classic.
  • Got the score 21 in Jazz.

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  @2002, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2002, headline:Facts, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2002, headline:Analysis, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2002, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2002, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2002, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.3.3 2024-05-31