Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PlayStation 4)

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Log entries

  • The Warzone mode just came out, and it's a free-to-play battle royale game, and one that seems closer to Playerunknown's Battlegrounds than its competitors. I played two matches in 3-player teams with some random dudes. It seemed exciting like PUBG, but I'm too bad of a team player to be any good at this type of game.
  • 2020-03-24
  • I played a round of Solo Warzone with 150 players and ended up no. 9!
  • 2020-03-31
  • More Solo Warzone, best placement was 44. Not great, but there was a few cool encounters along the way.
  • A quick morning Battle Royale, my heart is pounding after a great round where I killed 5 people, was run over by a dude in a quad and ended up no. 25.
  • 2020-04-05
  • A round where I did OK, I ended up spectating 'bedellicious', who was sneaking around inside a tiny circle with a giant truck.
  • In the Military Base, I noticed a helicopter flying into a building and landing inside. I thought I needed to do something about it, so I went to the outside of the building and set up a Shield Turret. I failed to use it in time, so I was fighting against a helicopter using an assault rifle. I destroyed the chopper but was killed by the pilot. Awesome!
  • I was driving around in my jeep, avoiding everyone. Late in the game, when I was forced onto an ice surface by the circle, a shootout ended in my death as number 8. Great round.
  • I'm starting to use more features of the game, drones, motion sensors, shops. I ended up no. 12 in one round. Also, I'm driving around a lot, being able to move quickly seems very important.
  • I went to the prison, which was completely deserted, but riddled with corpses. I found an unguarded helicopter and flew across town. Helicopters makes everyone fire at you, but it's pretty cool to be able to land on the tallest buildings. Ironically, I felt on top of the world and drunk with power, and lost my life to a guy who parachuted in and shot me with a pistol.
  • 2020-04-06
  • A quick game before work, I did a succesful airstrike and ended up no. 7, killing myself by driving a truck into gas, which surprisingly made it explode.
  • 2020-04-09
  • Apparently, you can play 'free-to-play' multiplayer games on PS4 without a PS Plus subscription, so I wanted to try playing Warzone with Malu on my PS4 Pro and my old PS4. It requires two accounts, and my other online account is located in US, so I created a new Danish account 'muskelgris' and 'purchased' this free-to-play game again (for free). This could be easier.
  • I had a contract out on me, and I set up in the first floor of a building with a deployable cover, flash grenade, and assault rifle. I killed the guy while he was coming up the stairs. Great defensive victory. :)
  • 2020-04-10
  • Completed the game (Warzone). I won a Warzone Battle Royale! I dropped down in the Quarry, found an SUV, killed a random guy with a sniper rifle, and drove to the Military Base, parking the car inside a hanger, where I stayed for over 16 minutes, casually killing a couple of guys who entered the building. At this point, the gas was inside the building, and I had to go. The final 3 minutes of the match was me, driving my SUV around in a smaller and smaller circle, running over 2 people, until the circle was around 20 meters in diameter, and contained me in my car, and someone in a helicopter who was hovering above me and didn't want to come down. In the end, the helicopter exploded, and the final person came hovering down in a parachute. I moved to the passenger seat and gunned them down. Victory! I'm so excited, I never won a multiplayer thing before!
  • Malu has been playing solo matches with me backseat driving. She had a two matches where she ended up 11th place. In the first one she accidentally drove her truck out of bounds.
  • 2020-04-11
  • Malu and I made a neat setup with two PS4s, and a computer monitor as the second screen. In these couple of matches, Malu was playing on the PS4 pro, which was recorded. I tried doing local recordings on the old PS4 that I was playing on, but it was in 30 FPS and didn't look great, so I deleted them.
  • 2020-04-12
  • More Trio battles with two people.
  • 2020-04-27
  • The normal team-based Call of Duty multiplayer modes are free this weekend! Malu and I have been playing. We don't get to choose modes, so we had to learn how to play other modes than Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed. The additional modes we encountered were Hardpoint and Dropzone. To my great surprise, we're doing very well in these modes, probably because a lot of new players are trying this for the first time. I was the top player on my team in several matches. Weird.
  • 2020-05-03
  • More BR Trios with Malu.
  • 2020-05-08
  • Malu and I tried the 'Blood Money' mode where you collect money and save it using helicopters and balloons. It's way more frantic than Warzone.
  • More BR.
  • 2020-05-12
  • More BR.
  • 2020-05-15
  • I just set my PS4, my Xbox One, my TV, and my Elgato HD60 to all use full range colors. I can't see the difference, but maybe in the recording... The Xbox and PS4 were set to 'automatic' before and the TV was set to not full range, so it may well look different now.
  • I played a fun short match with Malu, where I killed 3 guys.
  • 2020-05-17
  • We had a couple of fun games where I was playing a bit too aggressively and even forgot to open my parachute in a drop.
  • 2020-05-30
  • They finally have a real Battle Royale for Duos! Now our team has a real chance to win.
  • 2020-06-06
  • Activision chose to add a 'Black Lives Matter' splash screen to Warzone. Bearing in mind how racist and awful certain players have behaved in this type of game in the very recent past, this is a clear indication that things have changed, the scales have tipped to where even a company like Activision feels the need to make a statement. I'm deeply cynical about companies doing this kind of performance, but in this case, my cynicism helps me feel better about the future: Activision doing this means that it is *safe* for Activision to do this, which in turn is evidence that public opinion has shifted, at least as far as we trust Activision to know the opinions of their players. The people that make this kind of decision at Activision feels that the average Call of Duty player agrees that systemic racism is real and must be dealt with. This makes me optimistic about the future of the U.S., and slightly more confident that the strange reactionary wave that has dominated U.S. politics for the last 4 years may disappear in time. There is hope for the future, even for cynics.
  • More BR Duo.
  • 2020-06-08
  • Malu and I played more Duos. Our teamwork is better, but we're not getting better at shooting people. I have started experimenting with a sniper rifle, it's pretty fun, I even killed a few guys with headshots.
  • 2020-06-13
  • Black Lives Matter messages are gone again.
  • Season 4 has started, and also, this is another free multiplayer weekend. Malu and I played hours of multiplayer today. As usual, we're doing very well in 'Kill Confirmed', and less so in the other modes. I was very proud that we were the top players in this mode, but I have since realized that player matching probably matches us with players of the same skill level, and these top positions just mean that we're better at Kill Confirmed than the other modes.
  • A new free mode has been introduced, the Warzone Rumble. It's an awesome 100-person Team Deathmatch that seemingly takes place in a random location in the large Verdansk map used in the Battle Royale modes. Obviously, it reminds me of Battlefield multiplayer, but it's really fun to play a different kind of game on this map that we know so well. This seems like the perfect mode for sniping, so I've started using a sniper/assault rifle loadout. It's pretty cool.
  • 2020-06-14
  • A few more matches.
  • 2020-06-15
  • I have a new strategy for Warzone Rumble: I'm just driving around in a truck and running over snipers. Currently, players don't have a good counter for this, so I'm very successful. In one match, I was no. 2 on my team with 23 kills and a K/D ratio of 5.75.
  • 2020-06-19
  • A new Warzone Realism mode was added, where you can play 4-player Battle Royale without most of the HUD elements. It's pretty cool, but us playing as two people don't really have a fighting chance.
  • 2020-06-23
  • Malu and I played a few games with me wearing my belated christmas gift, the Woojer, which is a wearable bass speaker. I immediately wanted to try it with Call of Duty, to physically feel the punch of firing a gun. It works, but the sound is not designed for this device, and it could be better.
  • We played a rumble match where I used my usual strategy of getting a truck and running over people, and it worked incredibly well. I was the #1 player on my team with 27 kills!
  • 2020-06-27
  • We had a few matches with some fun intense moments.
  • 2020-07-13
  • We placed 5th by playing very defensively. Playing offensively is really fun, but playing defensively is probably more effective.
  • 2020-08-12
  • Malu was going for a mission to unlock a skin for Alice, and needed to perform a finishing move in a Warzone match. It's pretty tricky to do in combat, you have to sneak up on someone and hold R3. However, I came up with a plan: we both started a single-player Battle Royale at the same time, joined the same match, found each other on the map, and I turned the back so she could finish me. It was pretty harrowing, as I had to defend myself until we could meet up. After that, we were basically just cheating by playing together in a single player match.
  • 2021-08-30
  • The game now has a 120 FPS mode. I should try that.
  • 2021-09-13
  • I tried playing a Warzone battle in 120 FPS, and that feels absolutely amazing. Sadly, I can't record 120 Hz video at all, so it's just in my head for now.

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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.1 2024-05-14