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27 games tagged tms9918.

Texas Instruments TMS9918 / TMS9928 is a display controller used in various consoles and computers in the 1980s, including the first MSX, Segas first console SG-1000, and the ColecoVision. It is based on tiles and sprites, and uses a fixed 16-color palette. It was also the video controller that introduced the term sprites.

Title ↓System ↓Year ↓

27 games in database, 0 completed (0%). Year range: 1982-1988, median: 1984.
list - box art - screenshots

 Aliens: Alien 2                                         Squaresoft                      MSX       1987                               1 logs
 Borderline                                              Sega                            SG1000    1983         1 video               1 logs
 C-So!                                                   Compile                         SG1000    1985         1 video               2 logs
 Champion Boxing                                         Sega                            SG1000    1984         1 video               1 logs
 Congo Bongo                                                                             Coleco    1984                               2 logs
 Girl's Garden                                           Sega                            SG1000    1985         2 videos              5 logs, 1 facts
 Golgo 13                                                Sega                            SG1000    1984         1 video               1 logs
 Gulkave                                                 Compile                         SG1000    1986         1 video               3 logs, 1 facts
 Guzzler                                                 Tehkan                          SG1000    1983         1 video               2 logs
 Hustle Chumy                                            Compile                         SG1000    1984         1 video               3 logs, 1 facts
 King's Valley                                           Konami                          MSX       1985         1 video               2 logs
 Knightmare                                              Konami                          MSX       1986         1 video               1 logs
 Lady Bug                                                                                Coleco    1982                               1 logs
 Miner 2049er                                                                            Coleco    1983                               1 logs
 Nemesis                                                 Konami                          MSX       1986                               1 logs
 Nemesis 2                                               Konami                          MSX       1987                               1 logs
 Ninja Princess                                          Sega                            SG1000    1986         1 video               3 logs
 Pacar                                                   Sega                            SG1000    1983         1 video               1 logs
 Parodius                                                Konami                          MSX       1988         1 video               5 logs, 2 facts
 Penguin Adventure                                                                       MSX       1986                               1 logs
 Safari Hunting                                          Sega                            SG1000    1983         1 video               1 logs
 Sega Flipper                                            Sega                            SG1000    1983                               1 logs
 Sega-Galaga                                             Sega                            SG1000    1984         1 video               3 logs
 Sindbad Mystery                                         Sega                            SG1000    1983         1 video               1 logs
 Space Invaders                                          Taito                           SG1000    1985         1 video               1 logs
 Star Force                                              Tehkan                          SG1000    1985                               1 logs
 Turbo                                                                                   Coleco    1983                               2 logs


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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.3 2024-05-31